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We’re going to keep building healthy church communities.
We’re going to keep developing purpose filled Jesus followers.
We’re going to keep creating and partnering for significant and sustainable social impact.
And we’re going to go on a global mission together!

“…I believe this is the time for us as a global church to work together like never before.

To pray for each other.
To support each other.
To grieve with those who are grieving and to rejoice with those who are rejoicing.

And so I’ve been thinking and dreaming about what we can achieve together…
As a church we’ve been known for producing beautiful songs of worship and I pray that will continue.
We’ve also been known for incredible events that have been a blessing to the greater body of Christ. Championing the cause of the local church!

But imagine if we were also known for our commitment to MISSION.
And what if we also chose to go on a mission together.
To a specific place somewhere in the world where there is real need and we chose to work together to achieve this mission. By bringing teams from as many of our global churches as possible for 2 weeks of mission work, blessing and helping those in need in very practical ways. Not because we believe we have all the answers, but because we have a desire and a responsibility to do something… we want to be a help not a hinderance through our activities working and partnering with others on the ground who are making a long term significant difference…” Pastor Phil Dooley