We want to say the hugest welcome to YOU!
We hope that, wherever you find yourself in our church,
you have had a wonderful experience and that you feel right at home.
We believe that every person matters to God
and that He has an incredible plan and purpose for you.
As a church, we stand ready and eager to continue to help you
in your journey forward with Jesus.
We are so excited that you are beginning your brand-new life with Jesus!
We are so glad that you have joined us for this 21-day journey.
Lots of love,
Phil and Lucinda
Global Senior Pastors of Hillsong Church
We are so excited to have you as a part of our church family.
We would love to get connected with you!
Please fill out your details our team will get in touch with you
to help you on your journey.
Salvation is God’s free gift to us and we become His children.
It is an irrevocable acceptance into the family of God and it is an empowerment to live life wholly and fully with the purpose of reflecting God to the rest of His creation.
If you are not sure whether you are right with God or you know in fact that you need Jesus in your life, you can choose to follow Him right now by praying a prayer of surrender to Jesus.
Dear Jesus, I’m praying this prayer because I know that I have done wrong by living without You. I am sorry and I trust that You will forgive me. I accept Your love and grace for me and ask that You would be my Lord. Help me believe in You and love You every day, and help me to show the world what You are like and how great Your love is. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Congratulations! To pray these words with a surrendered heart to Jesus is the beginning of the most important voyage you will ever embark on: the journey to follow Jesus. Please let us know if you’ve just made a commitment to Jesus and prayed this prayer.
One of the best ways to find community is coming to church.
As a local church, with a passion to love God, people and life, we trust you feel both at home and at ease. Hillsong Church is layers deep with wonderful people and fabulous community, and we would love to get to know you more.
Whatever season of life you may be in, we sincerely pray you will sense the presence, peace and goodness of God.