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The Sound of Our House

Hillsong Worship

Having always been committed to building the local church, we are convinced that part of our purpose is to champion passionate and genuine worship of our Lord Jesus Christ in local churches right across the globe. Looking to the future, we hope to do our part in resourcing local church worship teams across the many denominational faces of The Church, as we all learn from each other.

Hillsong UNITED

Committed to creating a musical expression that is almost uncomfortable in its uniqueness, our mission is to write songs that awaken churches and individuals to the fact that we are redeemed and called into the story of God.

Young & Free

We are a youth ministry by name, but by identity we are a people who have found hope, salvation, joy, forgiveness and a future in Jesus Christ. Our songs are the overflow of our hearts and a reflection of life in Jesus.

Check the official lyrics of our songs

Fresh Wind

Fresh Wind

Sure Thing

Sure Thing

At The Cross

At The Cross

All songs from the EP

Can You Believe It!?

Can You Believe It!?

All songs from the album

Hillsong Kids

We believe that teaching children to love God and others takes place in both the home and in the church. For this reason we seek to partner with parents (the greatest teachers of all!) and with church pastors and leaders, equipping them with great resource.

Recent Albums

Team Night

Team Night

Hillsong Worship

Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?


Out Here On A Friday Where It Began

Out Here On A Friday Where It Began

Young & Free

Can you believe it!?

Can you believe it!?

Hillsong Kids

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