Study 1: The Kingdom is Here!
And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
Romans 8:27 ESV
Echoing Moses when he stood on Mount Sinai to give the 10 commandments to newly liberated Israel, Jesus stood amidst thousands teaching them how to fulfill the law and step into the New Covenant. Like Israel in Moses’ time, Israel in Jesus’ time were a conquered people who were mournful, oppressed, angry, and confused with their ‘chosen’ forced upon identity. On the edge of more rebellions and uprisings against the Roman rule, Jesus announced the arrival of God’s kingdom on earth, and release from their oppression. This sermon declares three distinct points – revealing God’s heart for humanity:
1. The kingdom of God is HERE
2. A kingdom present in Jesus
3. A kingdom for everyone
Read & Explore
How can the news that God’s ‘kingdom is HERE’ inspire our own inside-out kind of discipleship?
Being a lampstand – Jesus continues by explaining that citizens of the kingdom live not just by observing but by being transformed inwardly by His Word. This transformation is how our discipleship transforms the lives of others too – like a lampstand (Matthew 5:16) and being a ‘light to the nations’ (Isaiah 42:6).
Our hearts, not just our actions (Romans 8:27 ESV) Radically, Jesus shows us through His teaching that God is after our hearts, not just our actions. This is ‘inside out’ discipleship! Says NT Wright, in After You Believe:
‘What Jesus is saying is, “Now that I’m here, God’s new world is coming to birth; and, once you realise that, you’ll see that these are habits of heart which anticipate that new world here and now.” These qualities—purity of heart, mercy, and so on—are not, so to speak, “things you have to do” to earn a “reward,” a “payment.” Nor are they merely the “rules of conduct” laid down for new converts to follow. They are, in themselves, the signs of life, the language of life, the life of new creation, the life of new covenant, the life which Jesus came to bring.’
For His glory, not our own (Matthew 6:2, John 15:8) Jesus teaches that we shouldn’t obey the law for our own ‘glory’ – but instead pray, fast, give and love with a transformed heart.
Treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19-20, Philippians 2:9-10) Just like Jesus: our example, our inheritance, instead of seeking treasures of the world, we need to treasure Jesus – and trust the treasure He establishes for us in heaven… by His side.
Discuss & Share Together
Prayer (from Matthew 6:7-13 MSG)
Our Father in heaven, reveal who you are.
Set the world right; do what’s best – as above, so below.
Keep us alive with three square meals.
Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.
Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.
You’re in charge! You can do anything you want!
You’re ablaze in beauty! Yes. Yes. Yes.
Further Encouragement
Be encouraged this coming week by this saying of the revivalist theologian, Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
Grace is but glory begun,
and glory is but grace perfected.
Read the following passage Matthew 5:2-13 in the coming week to prepare for next week’s study, ‘THE BLESSED INVITATION’.