Study 2: Be Blessed Invitation
Jesus’ ‘Beatitudes’ are a list of blessings to the poor in spirit, the mourning, the meek, those who hunger and thirst, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers and the persecuted. Jesus is reminding the people of Israel, oppressed by the Roman Empire – a Gentile and pagan nation – to be and live as people of God. Though they may be impoverished, mournful, and persecuted, they are still blessed because of Jesus – The kingdom of heaven come near. It is a message His listeners would not have been expecting.
Read Together Matthew 5:3-12
Consider these two key thoughts
Jesus affirms the powerful responses of peacefulness, meekness, mercy and purity to the challenges of life (see also Galatians 5:22-23).
These sayings don’t point to a distant, detached God – they reveal a caring, compassionate and concerned God; desiring for restoration for all people, especially those separated by their sin, anger, hurt, brokenness… and His own passionate invitation to His kingdom-people to partner with Him in this great-restoring. (See also Romans 8:18-21)
You’re Blessed (The Message)
Take a moment to read each of these ‘blessings’ – and select one that is most significant for you this week > read the supporting verses, and share your reflections together:
Consider & Share
Jesus is asking His listeners not to despair – or even act with violence – but instead to partner with God in putting things right through these ‘blessings’. He is challenging them to be a part of God’s kingdom by seeing the world through God’s eyes and engaging people with His heart.
Discuss together the following four points (taking turns reading the supporting verses):
Blessings for all (Matthew 11:28-30) Jesus declares that these kingdom blessings are for all!
Discuss: Who in your lives can these blessings impact most; and how do you share with them the blessings that have impacted you?
Blessings that transform (Psalm 51:7-11) These blessings impact us from the inside out.
Discuss: Which of these blessings have impacted you most in the past, and which of these do you most need this week?
Blessed with kingdom-mindset (Romans 12:2) These blessings develop our convictions and knowledge of God’s ways.
Discuss: How can these blessings cultivate your mindset, and develop your insight, in the way you see the world through God’s eyes?
Blessed to be a blessing (Matthew 20:28; John 13:15) These blessings help us be more like Jesus, especially His servant-heart.
Discuss: Which of these blessings can help you serve others more like Jesus?
Lord, we take comfort from these blessings Jesus declares – these blessings of Your kingdom. We ask that these blessings give us your vision for a world redeemed by love, and inspiration for the qualities of discipleship for transformation in our own hearts and minds; so we can partner with You to transform our world. Amen.
Further Encouragement
Be encouraged this coming week by these words inspired by ‘The Beatitudes’ from St Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)
Let nothing disturb you.
Let nothing frighten you.
All things pass away: God never changes.
Patience obtains all things.
Those who have God lack nothing: God alone suffices
Read the following passage Matthew 5:17-7:29 in the coming week to prepare for next week’s study, ‘LIVING INSIDE-OUT’.