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Study 4: Bright and Flavourful

As kingdom-people, called to live lives of radical, ‘inside-out’ discipleship – we are called to be ‘salt’ and ‘light’ with our faith and witness. Jesus uses these images to describe the life, influence, and impact of kingdom-people. Our ‘inside-out’ discipleship becomes increasingly distinctive – bright and flavourful as we love life and people like Jesus. With our light, we shine life into the darkest of places; with our salt we influence with ‘heavenly flavour’.

Read Together Matthew 5:13-16

Jesus’ audience on ‘The Mount’ – from both their historical tradition and a background in agriculture – would have fully understood the significance of His choice of metaphors to describe the full potential of our ‘inside-out’ discipleship:

  • Divine expression of light brings life – God spoke creation into being with the words, ‘Let there be light’ (Genesis 1:3-5).
  • In Jewish tradition – salt is a symbol of both purity (Exodus 30:35; 2 Kings 2:19-23) and covenant-loyalty (Leviticus 2:13; Numbers 18:19; 2 Chronicles 13:5)

Explore and Share

What does being purposely bright and flavourful look like in ‘inside-out’ discipleship?

Light attracts, illuminates & elevates (Isaiah 60:1-2; Matthew 5:14-15; John 9:5) – Jesus is the light of the world, where there is light, darkness must flee (John1:5). His light illuminates the darkest places, shining through us for all to see
Discuss: How do you share your light with others? Do you do so generously or sparingly? What are areas of your life where light is limited in Jesus shining in and through you?

Seasoning that which is good (Matthew 5:13; Colossians 4:6) – In Jesus’ day, salt was used to prevent decay and loss; and season the flavour of the seasoned.
Discuss: Where in your relationships – at home, workplace or community – is there opportunity for you to season and preserve? Not just for your own growth, but also for others?

Distinct and different (Isaiah 60:3; Matthew 5:16) – Being kingdom-people leads us to a life of influential holiness. Being holy and set apart in our world doesn’t mean disconnection and isolation – it means making choices in life that lead to us being distinct and different.
Discuss: How does your life demonstrate the distinctive way, life, and power of a kingdom-citizen?


Lord Jesus – we thank You for revealing Your purpose and ways with this sensational sermon. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit so that we can be ‘salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth’ and ‘light that brings out the God-colors’ in our own lives, together in our church-community, and demonstrably be Your kingdom-people in Your world – Amen.

Further Encouragement

This week, listen to and marinate in the song, ‘Let there be light’ (Hillsong Australia – Words and Music by Michael Guy Chislett, Matthew Crocker, Joel Houston, Brooke Ligertwood, Scott Ligertwood & Jonas Myrin)