Study 2: Faith & Works Entwined
Paul denounces the idea of salvation by dead works; James rejects salvation by dead faith. – J.I. Packer
Understanding how both ‘faith’ and ‘works’ relate with each other can be one of the biggest challenges in following Jesus. Often, we can easily forget that faith is more than a ‘thinking’ or ‘feeling’ word – faith is a ‘doing’ word. Faith is acting on what we believe in – therefore, ‘faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead’.
Specifically, James explains:
Read Together
James 2:1-26: (NIV)
Take turns reading several verses each.
Pray Together
Lord, help me see others as You do – with compassion, mercy, and generosity. Help me be quick to my own sins and confess them without hesitation. Keep my heart soft, and my mind wise. Increase my faith and let Your Holy Spirit empower me to demonstrate my faith with action – especially in situations that are difficult and challenging. Let me experience deeper friendship with You, Amen.
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