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Key Scriptures: Daniel 3, Mark 11:12-25, Joshua 3:14-16, Isaiah 55:11 (NIV)

We believe that God is able. We’ve prayed and presented our needs to Him. Now what? You might be asking, “What if He does?” Or maybe you’re asking, “What if He doesn’t?” We’ve probably all wondered this: What do you do after you say ‘Amen’ and the prayer is done?

Take a few minutes to read Daniel chapter 3 as we hear the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego facing king Nebuchadnezzar’s fiery furnace.

These three men faced an impossible situation and certain death for their refusal to worship another god. The centrepiece of the story could be identified as verses 24 – 26, which we sing about in church, where Nebuchadnezzar shouts, “There’s another in the fire!” and the three men emerge from the flames unharmed. Or perhaps the story hinges on verses 17-18 and the men’s resolve to obey God whether or not He saves them from the flames.

Read Daniel 3:18 again and consider what impossibilities you might be facing. What would “even if he does not” faith look like for you in your circumstance?

What do you notice about how Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego answered our question “What if He does and what if He doesn’t?” How does their story encourage you in the challenges you face?

Oftentimes, after we’ve prayed and asked God to move, doubt becomes our biggest enemy. Don’t let doubt win. Perhaps through a time of prayer our “please” can become a “thank you.” Take a moment to present your needs to God, ask Him to work a miracle, but then begin to thank Him out loud that though you may not be able to see it, He is working.


Read Mark 11:12-25. Though the story may seem somewhat obscure, notice what Jesus is teaching the disciples through His cursing of the fig tree.

Though many miracles Jesus performed were evidenced by immediate results, Mark’s story of Jesus and the fig tree tells something different. Jesus spoke, but it wasn’t until later that they saw the fruit of what Jesus had done (fruit/fig pun very much intended). This highlights a powerful truth: God is always working, even when we can’t see it. When He speaks, something changes, even if we don’t yet perceive it.

A similar thing occurred in Joshua 3:14-16 when God stopped the waters of the Jordan River roughly 35 kilometres upstream, which had to occur several hours earlier.

Isaiah 55:11 (NIV) says, “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (You may be familiar with the NKJV translation which says “[My word] shall not return to Me void…”)

Read Psalm 34 in The Message. Consider verses 1 and 2, written as an introduction and a call to praise regardless of circumstances.