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Who Are WE Becoming?

an original group study series

As a church, we are committed to being purpose-filled Jesus followers… TOGETHER!

During this series, we will hear messages that look at the early days of the Church (from Acts 2:42-47), messages around our need to gather (from Hebrews 10:19-25), messages on the Body of Christ and messages around the array of spiritual gifts (from Ephesians 4 and Romans 12, 15 and other passages). We will see a reoccurring theme of “togetherness”. In the Jesus Bible commentary Max Lucado asks, “what was the mightiest miracle of the New Testament church?” And then answers, “Unity. This church loved each other, and this is what set it apart as an amazing display of God’s grace to the world.”   

For these studies, we turn our attention to the prayers of Paul for the churches he shepherded. What was he asking the Father that they would become, as gatherings of purpose-filled Jesus followers? When he lifted up each local family of believers before the throne of heaven, what was his prayer focus? What did Paul long to see them become as they came together in temples and at tables?

Because each study centres on one prayer, your connect may want to commit to regularly praying that prayer for each other, for your campus, and for our entire church until the next time you gather.

Study 1

Study 2

Study 3

Study 4