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Salle pour parents

Welcome To The Best Day Ever!

Hillsong Kids

We are so looking forward to welcoming you and your family to church this weekend! Our Hillsong Kids Team is working hard to ensure that our Sunday Kids programs are as fun and safe as possible.

When you arrive on Sunday, look for our Hillsong Kids sign-in station in the Welcome Lounge, and our Team will be there to greet you! For safety and security, all children must be signed in to our Kids program before our services start. Children are invited to participate alongside families during praise and worship, and will then be released to their programs by our service MC. Our Kids Team will be on hand to meet children in the Welcome Lounge, and will then lead them up to their program rooms.

If you don’t get a chance to sign your children in before the service starts, you can meet the Kids Team in the Welcome Lounge once the children are released from the service. At the end of the service, we ask that you please head promptly to the Kid’s program rooms to pick up your children.

Parents Room

Parents Room

Children up to 12 months
We have a wonderful parents' room available during our services. You can retreat here to feed or change your baby, or just to settle them in a quiet environment all whilst never missing out on a moment of the service via our Live Stream.

Cubby House

Cubby House

Ages 1 to 3
For children aged 12 months (and walking) to age 3, we have our Cubby House program available with toys and activities tailored to the needs of this age group. With songs written specifically for them and the Bible taught in a fun and interactive way your child will love coming to Cubby House and you will love bringing them to a safe, nurturing environment.

Fun House

Fun House

Age 4 to Senior Kindergarten
Your child(ren) will learn about the Bible and their relationship with God, in ways that are simple, creative, and fun. This is a great place for children to develop healthy friendships in a fun and safe environment.

All Stars

All Stars

Grade 1 to Grade 5
Our team of dedicated leaders seeks to make every child feel at home. Each week children are aided in reading and discussing the Bible and applying the Word of God to their life. This program is always creative and fun, with a team who brings engaging praise and worship and teaching for this age group.