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DAY 3 – His Father's Business

Jan 3 2024

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We are looking at the account of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17 where David had faith to face the giant Goliath when the Israelite army shrunk with fear.  Yesterday we looked at how David had a heart to help.

Today what we notice about David is that he particularly had a heart to help his father (v15). Do you know Jesus was also about His Father’s business? Can you imagine losing Jesus? Jesus’ parents went on a trip and when they came home, they realised Jesus was gone! They had to go back to find him, and when they found him in the temple, Jesus said this to them: He said, “Mum and Dad, what I need you to know is I will always be about my Father’s business”.

I pray that this would always be the stance of our church. If we are focussed on doing God’s will, it’s about Someone greater than who we are, something greater than ourselves.  I pray we will always be about our Father’s business.


Heavenly Father, thank You that whatever I do in life, whether it be work, study, or leisure, I can see a higher purpose.  Help me, even in the mundane or ordinary things of life, to recognise that I am about Your business, bringing faith and shining Your light into the world.  I pray now for those I know who are discouraged in their faith, that they would see Your purposes and plans for their life.

In Jesus’ Name,

1 Samuel 17:15-19
Luke 2:41-52