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Team Talks

Feb 16 2024

Maaf, entri ini hanya tersedia di Inggris (A.s.).

A podcast for Hillsong Creative, by Hillsong Creative.

Whether you’re a musician, sound engineer, singer, artist, video or lighting team member… think of this podcast as a huge creative team huddle before every weekend! You’ll hear from a few familiar people, and plenty of people you might not know yet, sharing some practical tips & reminders as well as some deeper dives into our Theology of Worship.

Join us every week, as we prepare to serve together & lead our church in worship every Sunday.


Created by: Caitlin Wall & Gabriel Kelly
Produced by: JP Starra
Music by: Michael Harrison & Harry Parnwell
Artwork by: Kristin Mateika & JP Starra
Intro by: Shelby Mtsamayi
More resources available at https://hillsongcreative.com