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About Phil & Lucinda

Phil and Lucinda Dooley became the Global Senior Pastors of Hillsong Church in February 2023. This followed 16 years as Lead Pastors of Hillsong Church Africa, which they planted in Cape Town in 2008. Before that, they spent 12 years leading Hillsong Australia’s youth and young adult ministries.

Phil loves being part of how God is building His Church and has devoted his life to sharing the message of salvation around the world. A visionary leader and life-long learner, Phil is deeply committed to growth and health in all areas of church life. This includes building healthy organisational structures, collaborative teams, and a healthy, joy-filled Kingdom culture. Known for his humorous communication style, he connects easily with people and loves bringing them along on the journey and seeing their lives transformed by Jesus. On Sundays, he never tires of seeing people gather to worship Jesus and grow in their faith – and, yes, he’s always up for some fun along the way!

Lucinda’s greatest passion is her relationship with Jesus and seeing others draw close to Him through all that she does. She’s a dedicated church builder, who is passionate about pioneering new churches and church locations, building healthy teams, and raising up layers of incredible leaders. Lucinda is deeply committed to the next generation and to drawing out the gold in them. She’s equally devoted to seeing women empowered, flourishing, and making a difference in their world. She believes that church is more than a friendly place – it’s where friendships can be made, and people can find connection and community. She is joy-filled, faith-filled, and on fire for the Church.

Together, Phil and Lucinda are focused on Hillsong Church’s vision: “To build a healthy church, changing lives through Christ.” They are passionate about serving not only their church family but also the broader community, uplifting lives wherever they go.

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