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Tax deduction of your gift

Hillsong Denmark is approved as a non-for-profit organisation (Almen-velgørende forening) under the Tax Assessment Act (Ligningsloven). Therefore, gifts can be deducted on your annual tax return. The right to deduct your gift is capped at 19,000 DKK (2025 level) on an annual basis.

However, by signing a Letter of Support (Gavebrev) your gift is instead capped at 15% of the personal income + net income from capital.

Please refer to further details below.

Letter of Support (Gavebrev)

For those who tithe with a Letter of Support, additional benefits are available. In Denmark, tithing with a Letter of Support allows individuals to give up to 15% of their income to the Church and receive approximately 26% tax back on their contributions.

This means that your giving supports the Church and provides you with a tangible financial benefit.

Before signing a Letter of Support you have to be aware of the conditions which are set by the Danish Tax authorities and not by the Church. You will find the conditions in connection with the Letter of Support form or at

CPR number

Hillsong Denmark is subject to a compulsory reporting system. Therefore, we must report your support to the Danish Tax Authorities in order for you to obtain the right to deduct your support from your annual tax return.

To be able to do that, please send your CPR number to Finance.

Regular giving

You can transfer gifts to our Danish bank accounts. In case you wish to give a fixed amount on a regular basis, for example each month, the easy solution is to set up a recurring monthly transfer via your Internet banking.

For more information, please contact: [email protected]

Skattefradrag for din gave

Hillsong Denmark er godkendt som en almennyttig forening (Almen-velgørende forening) under Ligningsloven. Derfor kan gaver trækkes fra på din årlige selvangivelse. Retten til at fradrage din gave er begrænset til 19.000 DKK (in 2025) årligt.

Men hvis du underskriver et Gavebrev, kan din gave i stedet fradrages op til 15% af din personlige indkomst + nettokapitalindkomst.

Se flere detaljer nedenfor.


Hvis du giver tiende gennem et Gavebrev, er der ekstra fordele. I Danmark giver et Gavebrev mulighed for at donere op til 15% af din indkomst til kirken og få ca. 26% tilbage i skat på dine bidrag.

Dette betyder, at din gave ikke kun støtter kirken, men også giver dig en økonomisk fordel.

Før du underskriver et Gavebrev, skal du være opmærksom på, at betingelserne fastsættes af SKAT og ikke af kirken.

Du finder betingelserne sammen med Gavebrevsformularen eller på


Hillsong Denmark er underlagt et obligatorisk indberetningssystem. Derfor skal vi indberette dine gaver til SKAT, for at du kan få skattefradrag.

For at gøre dette skal du oplyse dit CPR-nummer til vores økonomiafdeling.

Regelmæssig givertjeneste

Du kan overføre gaver til vores danske bankkonti. Hvis du ønsker at give et fast beløb regelmæssigt, f.eks. hver måned, kan du nemt oprette en automatisk månedlig overførsel via din netbank.

For mere information, kontakt: [email protected]


The strength of Hillsong Church can be found in the generosity & commitment of its people.

Why We Give


We believe in the Biblical principle of tithing. In Malachi 3:10 (NLT) the Bible talks about bringing the first 10% (tithe) of your income into the storehouse (church). Tithes and Offerings received at Hillsong fund the vision and activities of our church.

Proverbs 21:26 says ‘the godly love to give’ (TLB), this is seen through the countless volunteer hours offered to run community programs, in those serving in church services and through those who financially support the church and its initiatives.

How we operate


We are committed to being fully transparent about how we operate as a church, so we hope that this video, will give you further insight into how we operate as a Church, and the governance we operate under. We hope this video will answer and clarify any potential questions you may have. Should you have any unanswered questions, you are always welcome to reach out to us at [email protected]

Ways to Give

Danish bank account

Nordea Bank Danmark A/S

Copenhagen Account no. 0111 0716552780

IBAN: DK1620000716552780


Aarhus Account no. 2226 4396665625

 IBAN: DK7720004396665625




Copenhagen: 88480
Aarhus: 87012

Faith Mission Partners

Faith Mission Partners is a community of faith filled believers committed and contributing to the mission of Hillsong Church established across the earth.
Through Faith Mission Partners, we are committed to fostering a community that will build your faith and courage for our collective mission, grow healthy life-giving relationships, and be inspired to achieve great things for God!

We will have quarterly breakfasts or dinners where we get together physically and there will be pop up events throughout the year.
This will include our Entrepreneur Nights as we believe that generosity and faith filled community is foundational when we set out to start something new.

For more information about ways to give or for questions regarding international giving please e-mail [email protected]

Hillsong Denmark
Quarterly Report August-October 2023

Hillsong Denmark
Annual Report 2023

Hillsong Denmark
Full Financial Audit 2023

Hillsong Denmark
Hillsong Denmark Q1 2024 report

Hillsong Denmark
Quarterly Report Q2 2024

Hillsong Denmark
Quarterly Report Q3 2024