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Hillsong Financial Charter

Hillsong Church subscribes to a high standard of accountability and stewardship. This Charter outlines the governance and operations relating to the church’s finances.

Hillsong Church is a not-for-profit organisation governed by a board of directors. They are responsible for the management of all the affairs of the church. This is outworked through regular meetings of the board. The office-bearers of the organisation are the Senior Pastor as Chairman, the Treasurer and the Secretary. The balance of the board is made up of a combination of senior executive staff and business leaders from within Hillsong Church’s congregation. Each appointed board member serves for a twelve-month renewable term.

The Church’s financial records and systems are audited annually and audited financial statement are lodged with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) and/or the relevant regulatory bodies. Strict internal controls are applied including: Two cheque signatories are required for all payments; all payment requests must be authorised by the Department Head and either the General Manager, Chief Financial Officer or Finance Manager; the Senior Pastors and Lead Pastors are not cheque signatories; and all money received must be counted by at least two people. Each department works to a budget set by the board at the beginning of each year. Department’s financial performance is reviewed at each board meeting. All significant purchases are tendered for competitive pricing. The financial plans of Hillsong Church are prepared with a spirit of faith and careful planning.

Hillsong Church operates an open book policy whereby congregation members are welcome to make an appointment to inspect the audited financial results of the church.