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Hillsong is a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people.

Hillsong is a contemporary Christian church. Overwhelmed by the gift of salvation we have found in Jesus, we have a heart for authentic worship, are passionate about the local church, and are on mission to see God’s kingdom established across the earth.

Hillsong Church was founded by Brian and Bobbie Houston in 1983 in the western suburbs of Sydney, Australia. Now Hillsong has churches in city centres in 27 countries around the world.

As of February 2023, Phil and Lucinda Dooley are our Global Senior Pastors.

The Vision

A healthy church changing lives through Christ.


Our Mission

Developing purpose-filled Jesus followers
Building healthy church communities
Creating significant and sustainable social impact


Hillsong is a contemporary Christian church that is closely associated with the Australian Christian Churches, a movement of almost 1,100 churches and more than 250,000 believers across Australia. For the ACC’s full constitution, history, leadership and statement of belief, visit www.acc.org.au.


Around the World

Australia: Twenty-eight locations across New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, Northern Territory and Western Australia
Indonesia: Bali
Argentina: Buenos Aires
Belgium: Brussels
Brazil: São Paulo
Canada: Toronto
Denmark: Copenhagen
Fiji: Suva
France: Four locations across Paris, Lyon and Marseille
Germany: Konstanz, Düsseldorf, Munich and Berlin
Hungary: Budapest
Israel: Tel Aviv
Italy: Milan
Japan: Tokyo
Kenya: Nairobi

Netherlands: Amsterdam and Rotterdam
Portugal: Two main locations in Lisbon and Porto, with five other locations across the country
Romania: Bucarest
Russia: Moscow
Scotland: Edinburgh
South Africa: Nine locations across Cape Town, Pretoria and Johannesburg
Spain: Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia
Sweden: Four locations in and around Stockholm and Malmö
Switzerland: Two locations in Zurich and Geneva
Ukraine: Two locations in Kiev
United Kingdom: London, Guilford, Tonbridge, Oxford, Newcastle, Birmingham, Edinburgh and Liverpool
United States: New York City, New Jersey, Connecticut, Los Angeles and Orange County


Hillsong Conference is a gathering for your soul to be refreshed by the Holy Spirit, as we lift up the Name of Jesus together. The Word, worship, and a faith atmosphere have always been central to Hillsong Conference. You will also receive insights and practical tools to help you move forward and grow in your daily life. Whether you are in the Church or in the marketplace, deepening your personal faith journey, or making greater social impact in your community, we are committed to presenting a God-breathed conference that will bless and inspire you.


Located in Sydney, Hillsong International Leadership College offers leadership and ministry courses to help shape future leaders around the world. Since its creation in 1995, over 10,000 students, representing more than 65 countries, have graduated from the college.


Hillsong embraces opportunities to practically shape the lives of people in communities around the world. In addition to its own community care initiatives, it partners with other ministries to bring hope to many.

Hillsong CityCare

Hillsong CityCare

CityCare, a church-based, not-for-profit organisation that exists to serve communities, by offering pathways to empower and equip those who want to take their next steps in life.

Ethnic and Racial Unity

Hillsong Church is a globally diverse church which is committed to ethnic and racial reconciliation, healing and unity. Our mission is to be a healthy church changing lives through Christ. Jesus Christ is our hope— as his Kingdom is the expression of his rule and reign in and amongst the nations. This has immediate and eternal implications for human thriving. As a global Church centered on Jesus and his gospel, we are compelled to ensure that all people are treated with justice, equity, and inclusion.

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