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Easter Bible Study | Day 4

Mar 25 2021

The full expression of love within us

1. Johannes 4,17 Passion Translation

By living in God, love has been brought to its full expression in us so that we may fearlessly face the day of judgment, because all that Jesus now is, so are we in this world.

God’s love is fully expressed in “God in us”.

There are infinite ways in which we can think about God. We all have ideas about God’s nature, his personality and his behaviour towards us. Even though we can never fully grasp or understand God, God tries to show himself to us and come close to us. Because being close to you has always been God’s goal. The whole story of God and humanity is a story of how God wants to be close to us and it culminates in the person of Jesus Christ. He who was fully God and fully human. He who gave his life so that we can come close to God.

John writes that this perfected love shows itself in our having “frankness” or “confidence” at the thought of meeting God. Already in chapter 2, John writes that our closeness to God results in our being able to “come before him with confidence.” (2 John 2:28 )

1 John 4:17 describes that God’s love finds its full expression in God being in us! The full expression of God’s love for us is in his closeness to us.

I don’t know what your image of God looks like. I don’t know how close you are to God. But I do know that he wants to give you a new revelation, of his love for you. God wants to come even closer to you!

The Greek word John uses in both passages is “parrēsia”. It expresses an openness to “say everything you think”.

The most beautiful description I have found for “parrēsia” is this:

“the confidence of faith that is in communion with God without trembling, fear or hesitation.”

I don’t know what has shaped your image of God and how you imagine him. The Bible presents us with a God who has given everything to be close to you.

A God who rejoices over you with all his heart and rejoices when he thinks of you. (Zephaniah 3:17). A God who promises to be close to you when you turn to him. (Ps 145:18). A God who promises to be close to you when you despair and lose hope. (Psalm 34:19).

Do you have that closeness to God that you can tell him everything you think? Do you come into his presence without hesitation and without fear? Or is there something holding you back from letting God come so close? Perhaps you think that God is far away and does not want to be close to you?

God himself says: ” You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord.” (Jeremiah 29:13-14)


? Take a moment to reflect on your image of God. Do you allow yourself to be close to God? Where do you perhaps keep your distance and why? Do you believe that God wants to be close to you? Do you seek his closeness?

? Find a Bible passage that opposes your doubts or lies about God and write it down.

?? One way of becoming aware of God’s nearness anew is the Lord’s Supper. In John 6:55-56 Jesus says: “Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever feeds on me, he also will live because of me.” (ESV)

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