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Easter Bible Study | Day 7

Mar 26 2021

The perfection of love

1. Johannes 4,18 Passion Translation

Love never brings fear, for fear is always related to punishment. But love’s perfection drives the fear of punishment far from our hearts. Whoever walks constantly afraid of punishment has not reached love’s perfection. 

Look around you in our world – perfectionism is sought in quite a few areas. Whether it’s advertising, jobs or our social relationships, our society trains us to look for the new as soon as we get bored with the old or don’t think it’s good enough.

In a world that strives for perfectionism, it is even harder for some to admit that nothing is perfect in this world. Neither you nor I. It is not for nothing that we can read in Genesis that God created man and saw: It was very good (Genesis 1:31 NIV). Not perfect.

Nothing is perfect except God’s love for you.

When you receive it, something great happens: you feel inner peace and the love becomes even greater.

Because love is the only thing that doubles when you share it.

Love is the greatest power. It is stronger than any other feeling. Surely you have loved someone – your partner, your parents, your siblings or a good friend. As great as this love is, it is probably nowhere near God’s love for you.

His love for you overlooks mistakes. It is above all (1 Corinthians 13:13) and should therefore always have the last word, even in situations where it is difficult for you. Once you have gotten to know God’s love and felt its power, it frees you from all fear. If you are afraid, you have not yet understood or truly accepted God’s love.

Action Steps:

• Write down what God’s perfect love means to you personally and how you can live out this love in your environment. 

• Does love always have the last word in your life? Check it out and show your love to 3 people this week. 

• Let God take control in moments of fear and despair, turn to Him, pray and experience His infinite, perfect love. 

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