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Hillsong Global Board: Quarterly Report

May 31 2023

Der Globale Vorstand von Hillsong (Global Board), hat damit begonnen, vierteljährliche Berichte herauszubringen, in denen Prozesse und Fortschritte des Vorstands geteilt werden, um jeden, der Hillsong sein Zuhause nennt, transparent daran teilhaben zu lassen. Auf dieser Seite ist der Bericht des zurückliegenden Quartals in 2023 zu finden.

Dear Church,

I would like to share our first quarterly global board report for 2023.

So far this year, as a church we have experienced positive change and challenging events. I would like to express a sincere thank you to you all, for your engagement, care and understanding.

I hope that you find the information in this report helpful and if you have any feedback or questions, please contact us at [email protected].

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Dr Stephen Crouch

Hillsong Global Chair

Click here to download Global Board Quarterly Report – May 2023