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Sisterhood ist für Jede!

Sisterhood Is No Small Thing

Sisterhood findet nicht nur donnerstagmorgens statt, sondern wir glauben an die Kraft der Gemeinschaft und einer gemeinsamen Ausrichtung. Unter der Woche treffen wir uns zu verschiedenen Zeiten und an unterschiedlichen Orten – immer mit der Vision unserer Kirche im Blick und dem Bewusstsein, dass wir Teil einer globalen Sisterhood-Bewegung sind.

Sisterhood ist überall dort, wo die Frauen unserer Church ihr Leben teilen, für einander da sind und einander ermutigen, ihr Potenzial zu entfalten und in ihrer gottgegebenen Bestimmung zu leben.

Unser Herz schlägt dafür, Frauen Wertschätzung zu vermitteln.

Unser Auftrag ist es, eine Gemeinschaft von Frauen zu versammeln, die sich ihres Potenzials bewusst sind.

Unser Abenteuer ist es, die Welt zu einem besseren Ort zu machen.

Unsere Sehnsucht ist es, Gott zu lieben, seinen Kindern mit Freundlichkeit zu begegnen und seinen Namen auf der ganzen Welt groß zu machen.

Sisterhood Small Groups

are available for anyone who wants to get together with girlfriends on a really regular basis. A great way to get to know other people and build authentic relationships at the heart of our Church family. We hang out, dig into the word of God and pray for each other. Find your small group by going to your location instagram account and look for this icon on the profile.

Sisterhood Mornings

happen once a year and feel like an oasis for the body, soul and spirit. We enjoy the most wonderful breakfast, pamper zones so you can enjoy a little massage or get nails freshened up. We worship together, receive the word and give attention to Be The Change initiatives.

Sisterhood Spheres

is a girls night out you don't want to miss. It's a cool vibrant atmosphere that is charged with vision. Ted talk style presentations show how incredible women influence and impact in their sphere of life. It's a creative night of interest, story telling and inspiration. And is followed by a super fun clothes swap. Yep that's right - clothes for free :)

Düsseldorf, Konstanz, Zürich, Köln, München

Mamas & Minis

is our local "Krabbelgruppe". Being a mother to infants and young babies is a wonderful but stretching season in life that you don't need to navigate alone. Every Thursday morning you can come with your little ones and enjoy a well deserved cup of coffee and a light breakfast, connect with friends and join in a play time.

Sisterhood Podcasts

is our weekly injection of encouragement. Its a short reminder in the middle of our week, to blow off the dust of every day life and remember we are valuable, we are called, we are loved and empowered by God to lead. Receive a weekly email by subscribing to, follow sisterhood Germany on instagram and watch on IGTV, or subscribe to sisterhood Germany on YouTube. Become a Thursday
girl and live your best life.

Sisterhood Proclamation

My Life. My Day Ahead. My Proclamation