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Stage Hands

Midweek Responsibilities

-A great stage hand can memorize the particular setups we require at each venue and service/event type and can help expedite the setup/packdown by actively addressing things being overlooked and taking the initiative to train the newer less experienced volunteers on team.
-Confirm rosters in a timely manner – in advance of one week prior to service whenever possible.

Service Responsibilities & Call Times

• Arrive in time to be ready to begin at call time
• Familiar with current patch list and stage plot
• Set up/pack down the stage and all main auditorium auxiliary and external venue production elements in accordance with the patch list, stage plot and direction from the Stage Hand Lead and TD
• Maintain neat, clean, clutter free working environment through setup/packdown and a show-ready stage/venue environment well in advance of doors open
• Transition from main stage setup to auxiliary/external venues setup as workflow requires
• Stationed and present at main stage or other setup area throughout setup and rehearsal