Hillsong is a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people.
Overwhelmed by the gift of salvation we have found in Jesus, we have a heart for authentic worship, are passionate about the local church, and are on mission to see God’s kingdom established across the earth.
Suara penyembahan
Hillsong Online
Hillsong Online exists to empower our church for mission in a digital age. We believe the Holy Spirit will be tangible and present in every heart and home as we gather together from all over the world.
Ethnic and Racial Unity
Hillsong Church is a globally diverse church which is committed to ethnic and racial reconciliation, healing and unity. Our mission is to be a healthy church changing lives through Christ. Jesus Christ is our hope— as his Kingdom is the expression of his rule and reign in and amongst the nations. This has immediate and eternal implications for human thriving. As a global Church centered on Jesus and his gospel, we are compelled to ensure that all people are treated with justice, equity, and inclusion.
Hillsong Collected
Blog Kami
Kisah, pemikiran, dan artikel tentang karya yang dikerjakan Yesus di dunia kita, dan bagaimana kita mengikuti teladannya lebih baik melalui gereja-gereja lokal.
Hillsong College
Hidup penuh tujuan
Berlokasi di jantung kehidupan gereja lokal kami di Sydney, Hillsong College memungkinkan Anda untuk menerapkan keterampilan yang akan Anda pelajari pada pelayanan praktis sehingga Anda bisa memimpin dan memberikan dampak di bidang keahlian Anda.
Young & Free
Hillsong Conference
South Africa
Hillsong TV
Because We Can