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DAY 6 | Redefined by Christ’s supremacy

Dec 22 2020

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Redefined by Christ’s supremacy

“He was supreme in the beginning and — leading the resurrection parade — He is supreme in the end. From beginning to end He’s there, towering far above everything, everyone. So spacious is He, so roomy, that everything of God finds its proper place in Him without crowding.” Colossians 1:18-20 (MSG)

Have you ever stopped to really comprehend what Christ-in-you truly means? Paul wrote of Christ as the personification of God Himself – “the image of the invisible God” (vs 15) by whom all things were created. He is the head of the church – His body – and is preeminent over all. This same Jesus dwells within you; the manifest mystery of the ages now revealed in you!

Our Lord’s supremacy, “…reconnected you back to himself. He released his supernatural peace to you” (Col 1:21 TPT). When Christ is lifted up in your life and given first place, you are transformed, empowered and commissioned to fulfil all that He created you to be and to do all He created you to do.

“These re the days for remembering – not for forgetting. What do I mean by that? I believe that it is so important to remember your calling, remember your mandate, remember your purpose, remember your passion, remember your vision, and remember from where you have come.

On your journey with God, every step matters. Every step is leading you forward. Every experience is part of His supreme plan in you and at work through you. Every step forward is a stake in the ground, and it is so powerful to remember and be thankful for God’s faithfulness at work in your life through the valley and the mountain tops.

You are a strategic and important part of Christ’s Body, and that mandate is upon the Body collectively as well as on each part and person individually. You matter and what you bring matters to God and to His Body – the Church.

My prayer is that the Supremacy of Christ-in-you will redefine, re-empower and re-anoint you.

Reading: Colossians 1:18-20

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