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Hillsong Creative

Wednesday Team Night

There’s something pretty unique about Wednesday nights at Hillsong Church. It’s the night that our creative community gathers.

Hillsong Creative encompasses many areas, not only worship music and singers, but spans production, TV, filmmakers, artists, writers, costumer designers, youth and kids worship teams, stage managers, designers, and regular people who choose to belong to this beautiful melting pot of people.

We gather to rehearse and prepare for the weekends.
We gather because we love hanging out.
We gather to inspire each other and instil courage.
Gathering together shapes our culture.
We attend master classes, coaching groups to refine our talents, unearth new gifts, and practice in preparation for what may be required of us.
We laugh, we cry (some more than others), we share life and hopefully little by little become more Christ like.
When we gather together we find ourselves united around a common goal, we are able to articulate why we do what we do and who we do it for.

Hillsong Church Italia Ets
Via Alberico Albricci, 8, 20122 Milano MI

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