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That's The Power

Hillsong Worship

That's The Power

Words and Music by Michael Fatkin, Benjamin Hastings & Alexander Pappas


There’s a Name that levels mountains
Carves out highways through the sea
I’ve seen its power unravel battles
Right in front of me

There’s a faith that stands defiant
Sends Goliath to his knees
I’ve seen as praise unravelled shackles
Right off my feet


That’s the power of Your Name
Just a mention makes a way
Giants fall and strongholds break
And there is healing

That’s the power that I claim
It’s the same that rolled the grave
There’s no power like the
Mighty Name of Jesus


There’s a hope that calls out courage
In the furnace unafraid
The kind of daring expectation
That every prayer I make
Is on an empty grave


I see You taking ground
I see You press ahead
Your power is dangerous to
The enemy’s camp

You still do miracles
You will do what You said
For You’re the same God now as
You’ve always been

Your Spirit breaking out
Your kingdom moving in
Your victory claims the ground that
The enemy had

You still do miracles
You will do what You said
For You’re the same God now as
You’ve always been

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Other songs from Hillsong Worship

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Let There Be Light

let there be light.

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What a Beautiful Name

let there be light.

let there be light.

let there be light.

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Hillsong Worship

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Having always been committed to building the local church, we are convinced that part of our purpose is to champion passionate and genuine worship of our Lord Jesus Christ in local churches right across the globe.


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