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In Control

let there be light.

In Control

Words and Music by Ben Fielding & Aodhan King

Verse 1
From heaven You can hear
I know You’re drawing near
As I worship
Held within Your love
The wind and waves will come
But I will stay here

I lift my hands to heaven
Here my heart surrendered
I tell my soul again
You are Lord of all
Though the seas are raging
You will speak and tame them
In You I find my rest
You are in control

Verse 2
Through valleys I will trust
Your Spirit is enough to keep me walking
You guide my every step
Speak life to me again
Lord I need You

I will trust in only You
No one can add to Your perfection
You’re the beginning and the end
More than I can comprehend
There is no one like You

No one
No one
No one Jesus

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