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Awake My Soul

Hillsong Worship

Awake My Soul

Words and Music by Brooke Ligertwood

There is a sound I love to hear
It’s the sound of the Saviour’s robe
As He walks into the room where people pray
Where we hear praises He hears faith

There is a sound I love to hear
It’s the sound of the Saviour’s robe
As He walks into the room where people pray
Where we hear worship He hears faith

Awake my soul and sing
Sing His praise aloud
Sing His praise aloud

There is a sound that changes things
The sound of His people on their knees
Oh wake up you slumbering
It’s time to worship Him

And when He moves
And when we pray
Where stood a wall now stands a way
Where every promise is amen
And when He moves
Make no mistake
The bowels of hell begin to shake
All hail the Lord all hail the King

Hey oh
Oh let the King of glory enter in
Hey oh
Fall down on your knees and worship Him Hey oh
Let His praise rise up don’t hold it in

Words and Music by Brooke Ligertwood
© 2019 Hillsong Music Publishing Australia CCLI: 7134998

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