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Delightful (The Sower Never Wastes A Tear)

Words and Music by Joel Houston

There is mercy
In the moments
When the burden
Is an ocean
In a teardrop
There is healing
When the heartache
Weighs a mountain
In the grieving
Of a love lost

Only time will tell
All the faithfulness
Of Your hand Lord
All the joy we’ll find
In the grace You sow
In this valley of tears
Heavy as the sorrow is here

I know there’ll come a day
When we sing
Upon these ashes
How Your beauty
Made this valley
So delightful
And we’ll laugh
Upon that mountain
How this Everest of grief
Became our dance floor

Only time will tell
All the faithfulness
Of Your hand Lord
All the joy we’ll find
In the wild delight
Only heaven could yield
Heavy as the sorrow is here
I know the Sower never wastes a tear

So I’ll wait
Long as heaven takes
One day I’ll see

The joy You make of this
‘Cause ain’t nothing gonna stop
Your faithfulness

So I’ll wait
Long as heaven takes
One day I’ll see
The joy You make of this
How You never let a single tear go wasted

So I’ll wait
Long as heaven takes
One day I’ll see
The joy You make of this
How You take my sorrow
And You turn it into delight

So I’ll wait
Long as heaven takes
One day I’ll see
The joy You make of this
Sooner or later
Either way I’ll see

I’m gonna see
How You turn this thing around
Turn my mourning into dancing
Turn this sorrow into joy
Come the morning light

Oh I’ll sing Your praise
I’ll sing Your praise
‘Cause ain’t nothing gonna stop
Your faithfulness

Come the morning light
All through the night
One day I’ll see
The joy you make of this
‘Cause I know
The Sower never wastes a tear

Listen to Delightful (The Sower Never Wastes A Tear)

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