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Hope of the Ages

Hillsong Worship

Hope of the Ages

Words and Music by Reuben Morgan & Cody Carnes

The gospel of Jesus
It’s the hope of the ages
Burning brighter and brighter
And standing forever

The Church He is building
Nothing can stop it
It’s a city that’s shining
A light in the darkness

Nothing can stop it

Though Christ was dead
Now surely He’s risen
Yeah He’s coming back again

And Christ will reign
In triumph forever
Yeah all praise belongs to Him
Yeah all praise belongs to Jesus

His Word is the answer
For all generations
It will never be tainted
It will never be broken

This is our confession
This is our conviction
We believe what is written
We believe what You’ve spoken

Sing hallelujah
Christ is our Redeemer
Shout hallelujah
Jesus holds our future

Listen to Hope of the Ages

Other songs from Hillsong Worship

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Let There Be Light

let there be light.

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What a Beautiful Name

let there be light.

let there be light.

let there be light.

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Hillsong Worship

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Having always been committed to building the local church, we are convinced that part of our purpose is to champion passionate and genuine worship of our Lord Jesus Christ in local churches right across the globe.


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