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On Repeat

Hillsong UNITED

On Repeat

Words and Music by Joel Houston, Ben Fielding, Benjamin Hastings & Aodhan King


Every time I come running
I find grace on repeat
You welcome with open arms
No matter where I have been
Every time I surrender
Every time I fall
I find grace more precious
Than I did before


So I’m gonna lay my world down
Here at Your feet
Look to the heavens
For all I need
I’m gonna sing my heart out
Praise on repeat
To the God who’s never given up on me


You’re the mercy at midnight
You’re the kindness of dawn
My hope in every waking hour
And the strength I lean on
Every time it comes to sundown
And the night sets in
Let my soul remember
Just how good You’ve been
And again and again
My heart will sing


I’m gonna lay my world down
Here at Your feet
Look to the heavens
For all I need
I’m gonna sing my heart out
Praise on repeat
To the God who’s never given up on me
‘Cause You’re the God
Who’s never giving up on me


Grace upon grace
Morning by morning
Day after day will I sing
Praise upon praise
God be exalted
Over and over again


I’m gonna lay my world down
Here at Your feet
Look to the heavens
For all I need
I’m gonna sing my heart out
Praise on repeat
To the God who’s never given up on me
‘Cause You’re the God
Who’s never giving up on me

Listen to On Repeat

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Having always been committed to building the local church, we are convinced that part of our purpose is to champion passionate and genuine worship of our Lord Jesus Christ in local churches right across the globe.


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