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For All My Life


For All My Life

When my troubles are a little too heavy
Who I can turn to, to share the weight?
When my mind is cluttered and cloudy
Who can I turn to, to clear the way
Who can I turn to, I turn to You

I won’t lean on
My own
I will let go
Empty handed
You said Your yoke is easy
You said Your burden’s light
So I’ll let You
Lead me
For all my life

When my past is still trying to haunt me
Who can I turn to, to give me grace
When my future is a little uncertain
Who can I turn to, turn to today
Who can I turn to, I turn to You

Some days are long, some work is tough
Whatever I lack You make it up
Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light
You gave me life, You give me love
Whenever I’m dry You fill my cup
Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light

I won’t lean on
My own
I will let go
Empty handed
You said Your yoke is easy
You said Your burden’s light
So I’ll let You
Lead me
For all my life

I know Your yoke is easy
I know Your burden’s light
So I’ll let You
Lead me
For all my life

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