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Freedom is Coming

Hillsong Young & Free

Freedom is Coming

Words and Music by Ben Fielding, Mi-kaisha Masella & Ben Tan

There is a promised land
Waiting for me
Sometimes there’s an ocean
That lies in between

I’ll keep on traveling
The path where You’ve been
Till I’m right where You want me
That’s where I will be

Freedom is coming
And it has a Name
Oh no room for my chains
Oh You take them away

Freedom is coming
And it has a Name
And it is Jesus
How sweet is the Name

You said it’s for freedom
That I was set free
Now I walk in the victory
That You won for me

And if on the journey there
Are walls that remain
I’ll sing in the promise
You’re making a way

One by one
Chain by chain
Watch them fall
As we lift Your Name

Strongholds break
Sin erased
Washed by grace
In the power of Your Name

Even in the darkest hour
When I lose my way
I have Your Name

Even in the valley low
I won’t be afraid
I have Your Name

Listen to Freedom is Coming

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Hillsong Young & Free

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Having always been committed to building the local church, we are convinced that part of our purpose is to champion passionate and genuine worship of our Lord Jesus Christ in local churches right across the globe.


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