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Hopeity Hope

Hillsong Kids

Hopeity Hope

Words and Music by Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley

There is hope in our lives that may not
come to pass
Like winning the Olympics for running
really fast
Like getting superpowers and flying to the
Or finding buried treasure hidden
underneath your room
But Dave it’s a bit silly to hope for all that
Well my trust is in God and that’s that!
But still…

I hope that I win the lottery
I hope that I avoid eating broccoli
I hope that I learn to sing properly
I hope I hope I hope I hopeity hope

I hope that I become a movie star
I hope that I drive a fancy car
I hope that I get a bottomless cookie jar
I hope, I wish, I dream, I fish, I cross my
fingers optimistically
All this may happen, or maybe not
It doesn’t matter because of the one thing
that you’ve got

You have hope that you can count on Him
You have hope that you’re free from sin
You have hope for the joy He brings
You have hope hope hope hopeity hope
You have hope that He’s chosen you
You have hope that He’ll get you through
You have hope He loves your little brother
You have hope hope hope hopeity hope
And if your hope is in our God
An anchor for the soul
All these other things don’t really matter
much at all

Listen to Hopeity Hope


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On the road, hopefully near you