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I Will Boast In Christ

let there be light.

I Will Boast In Christ

Words and Music by Scott Ligertwood & Reuben Morgan. Additional lyrics from “Nothing But The Blood”, Traditional

Verse 1
All I have because of Jesus
All this promise
Won for me
When He paid the highest ransom
Once for always
For my freedom

I will boast in Christ alone
His righteousness
Not my own
I will cling to Christ my hope
His mercy reigns
Now and forever

Verse 2
Love will never lose its power
All my failures could not erase
Now I walk within Your favour
Grace unending
My salvation

What can wash away my sin
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

O precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow
No other fount I know
Nothing but the blood of Jesus


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