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Know You Will

Hillsong UNITED

Know You Will

Words and Music by Benjamin Hastings, Joel Houston & Dylan Thomas

When the road runs dead
You can see a way I don’t
And it makes no sense
But You say that’s what faith is for

When I see a flood You see a promise
When I see a grave You see a door
And when I’m at my end
You see where the future starts

I don’t know how You make a way
But I know You will
I don’t know how You make a way
But I know You will

You’ve been good on every promise
From Eden to Zion
Through every dead end
And out of that grave
I don’t know how You make a way
But I know You will

When the world’s on fire
It’s not like You don’t have a plan
And when the earth gives way
On this Rock Your Church will stand

Nothing has ever once surprised You
Nothing has ever made You flinch
And when it all shakes out
The gates of hell don’t stand a chance

You pulled my heart from Egypt
You carved a road through sea
From all our chains
To endless praise
The story ends in You

And when we cross that Jordan
Look back at where we’ve been
From all our chains
To endless praise
The story ends in You

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