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Say The Word

Say The Word

Words and Music by Joel Houston

Verse 1
Say the word and there is light
Say the word and dead bones rise
Every start and end hangs on Your voice
Your word never returns void

Written in a billion skies
Speaking to this heart of mine
All that I am with all creation
Hanging on every word that You’ve spoken
And it will not be shaken
Clinging for life to all You promise
Hanging on every word that You say
It will remain
And my soul will hang on every word You say

Verse 2
Word made flesh You wrote in grace
Promise kept through cross and grave
Over words of stone You spelled out love
And when You say “It is done” it is done

Listen to Say The Word

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Having always been committed to building the local church, we are convinced that part of our purpose is to champion passionate and genuine worship of our Lord Jesus Christ in local churches right across the globe.


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