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I Will Praise You

Hillsong Worship

I Will Praise You

Words and Music by Ben Fielding, Joel Houston, Matt Crocker & Dylan Thomas

Your love came first
Before I knew the cross
You carried Now free at last
I’ll freely give as I’ve been given

For everything You’ve done
And everything to come

I will praise You
Live to glorify Your Name
Forever anthem Your acclaim
Lord I will sing Your praise

I will praise You
In the promise and the pain
For as long as life remains
Still I will sing Your praise

Should words fall short
May they fall in honest worship
Till all I am
Breaks in reverence at Your feet

The first and last
The Alpha and Omega
God the great I Am
Who was and is and is to come
Almighty One
Blessed Father Son and Spirit
God Emmanuel is with us
Here and now and then forevermore

You rule in love
You reign in peace
You set me free
You owned the cross
You broke through death
Took back the keys
Your kingdom come

All the earth will shout with heaven
For You’ve always held the glory
And You always will

Words and Music by Ben Fielding, Joel Houston, Matt Crocker & Dylan Thomas
© 2019 Hillsong Music Publishing Australia CCLI: 7135002

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