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Deeper Water

Hillsong UNITED

Deeper Water

Words and Music by Joel Houston, Aodhan King, Benjamin Hastings, Dan McMurray & Dylan Thomas

Lead my heart into deeper waters
Lead my faith beyond the shallows
Of my creature comfort

Dare my trust into all Your greatness
Some place wilder than the safety
Of these old familiar shores

‘Cause I know there’s so much more
And I’m desperate to explore
All the grace beyond these shores

Teach my soul not to fear the darkness
Teach my heart to fully lean on
Your cross for comfort

Bind my step to Your steadfast promise
Let my faith run like lightning
On the lamplight of Your Word
‘Cause I know there’s so much more
And I’m desperate to explore
All the grace beyond these shores

I got the hope of heaven
Running through my bones
And the blood of Jesus in my veins
I got a soul on fire in the Holy Ghost
And all my strength is in Your name

‘Cause now this world holds nothing
On this grace I know
And I know Your love will never fail
And if there’s deeper waters
To this life You hold
Sink or swim I’ll never be afraid

TAG 1:
Lead me into all You want
Lead me into all You are
Lead me into all Your love
Lead me to Your heart
Lead me to Your heart

I won’t stop
When I’m over my head
All outta my depths
I know You’ll be there

I won’t stop
When the weather gets rough
The going gets tough
I know You’ll be there

‘Cause You don’t stop
When it comes to Your love
When it comes to Your heart
You never give up

And You don’t stop
When I’m over my head
All outta my depths
I know You’ll be there

Lead my heart into deeper waters
Lead my faith beyond the shallows
Of my creature comfort

Dare my trust into all Your greatness
Some place wilder than the safety
Of these old familiar shores

‘Cause I know there’s so much more
And I’m desperate to explore
All the grace beyond these shores

I won’t stop
When it comes to Your love
You never give up
You never give up

You don’t stop
When I’m over my head
All outta my depths
I know You’ll be there

TAG 2:
Lead me into all You want
Lead me into all You are
Lead me into all Your love
Lead me to Your heart
Lead me to Your heart
Lead me to Your heart oh God
Lead me into all You are
Lead me into all You are
Lead me to Your heart
Lead me to Your heart

Listen to Deeper Water

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