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These Same Skies

Hillsong Worship


Since the very beginning, God’s glory has been displayed in the heavens He spoke into being — His faithfulness and splendour on parade from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets.


These same skies that declare God’s glory day after day and night after night, are the same skies under which Christ Jesus was born, lived, was crucified and rose again in victory.

«That’s the power of Your Name
Just a mention makes a way
Giants fall and strongholds break
And there is healing

That’s the power that I claim
It’s the same that rolled the grave
There’s no power like the
Mighty Name of Jesus»

That’s The Power — Hillsong Worship

That’s The Power

That’s The Power

Never Walk Alone

Never Walk Alone

Hope of the Ages

Hope of the Ages



Secret Place

Secret Place

All To Him

All To Him

Song For His Presence

Song For His Presence

Surrounds Me

Surrounds Me



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Да будет свет.

Hillsong Worship

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