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Lover Of My Soul


Lover Of My Soul

I hear You knocking at the door of my heart
Oh what a sound it is
I’m scared to see You but I know who You are
So I will walk You in

I shrink back, You come close
My resistance up in smoke
And I tremble when I feel Your touch
I give in, You give all
Feel Your mercy washing all of me
And I know there’s no one like You

You’re the lover of my soul
You’re the lover of my soul
You’re the lover of my soul
You’re the lover of my soul

I can’t believe that You would meet me again
Seventy-one times seven
But You’re the one who died to breathe life again
So I will breathe You in

This is love, this is real
Words that pierce, words that heal
And I know there’s no one like You

You’re majestic and You’re humble
Magnificent and noble
And I know there’s no one like You

Always holy, full of glory
None can rival what You are to me
And I know there’s no one like You

The lover of my soul

Lover of my soul
Lover of my soul

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