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Parenting Revolution

Baby Edition (-1 to +1 years)

The journey into parenthood can be incredibly exciting. It’s a season full of new experiences and intense emotions as you get ready to conceive, manage pregnancy, bring your baby home for the first time and navigate your way through your baby’s first year of life. By gaining knowledge
and skills in advance, you’ll be better prepared to step into the wonderful world that is ‘parenthood‘.

When joining this course, you will receive an online program that you can watch in your own time. We will have three sessions where everyone joining the course will come together to discuss the videos, have conversations with each other, ask questions and as parents support each other. These conversations will be online.

This course will start in Fall 2022. If you would like to be kept informed, please indicate your interest via the button below.

Parenting Revolution

Toddler Edition ( 1-3 years)

Learning social and emotional skills is an essential component of healthy development during the toddler years. As your toddler begins to recognise their own feelings and gradually understands that other people’s emotions are different to their own, they lay the foundation for empathy development. At the same time as your toddler is learning how to behave in socially and emotionally appropriate ways, they are also learning how to assert their independence and communicate their needs and desires. This developmental combination can result in a roller coaster of behavioral expression. Get ready for the ride.

When joining this course, you will receive an online program that you can watch in your own time. We will have three sessions where everyone joining the course will come together to discuss the videos, have conversations with each other, ask questions and as parents support each other. These conversations will be online.

This course will start in Fall 2022. If you would like to be kept informed, please indicate your interest via the button below.

Parenting Revolution

Child Edition (4-11 years)

This parenting program is revolutionary! Not because it’s the most comprehensive
educational resource with all the bells and whistles, but rather because the approach is so user friendly. Rather than complicated strategies, at the core of this program lies an easy to understand approach that serves to capture your child’s heart and transform their conduct. It is simple, easy to follow and highly effective… that’s the revolution!

Course comes with a workbook.

This course will start in Fall 2022. If you would like to be kept informed, please indicate your interest via the button below.

Parenting Revolution

Teenager Edition (12-16 years)

During the adolescent phase of life, your children will encounter major hormonal changes, rapid cognitive development and a growing need for independence. But these years will also bring many rich rewards as you watch your baby suddenly becomes a fully-grown adult with their own identity, values, convictions and purpose. As with any stage of parenting, the teenage years can bring about a sense of anxiety and dread as parents commonly think to themselves “I have no idea what I’m doing!”. It’s only normal that you might be thinking or feeling this way as you enter the twilight zone of rapid change! However, the goal of this program to equip and empower you, so that you’ll not only be more knowledgeable, you’ll also feel more confident as you help set your teenager up for success.

Course comes with a workbook.

This course will start in Fall 2022. If you would like to be kept informed, please indicate your interest via the button below.