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Heart for the House

Jun 11 2023 | All campuses

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Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9

Our once-a-year special offering is coming up on 11 June. We all gather to give towards the Hillsong Foundation, above our regular tithes and offerings. We are still giving into the house of God, but this year we are making a little tweak to the name “Heart for the House”, calling it “Heart for the Mission”.

“Building a healthy church, changing lives through Christ” is our vision, which we can only achieve together, and is further outworked in our threefold mission:
Building Healthy Church Communities
Creating Significant and Sustainable Social Impact
Developing Purpose-filled Jesus Followers

Through this year’s offering, we want to strengthen our operations in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Brussels, bringing us to a financially healthy place.

This year also marks the launch of our building fund, which another portion will go towards. Our dream to buy our own building is stronger than ever, and with our move into Circa Amsterdam, we feel that we are in the place God called us to. Owning Circa Amsterdam would significantly change our finances and be a big stake in the ground for our mission here in the Netherlands and Brussels.

One of the areas that really aligns with our mission are our social initiatives. We have a long-standing relationship with Vision Rescue, A21 and Hillsong Africa Foundation – organizations which have a huge sustainable social impact – and we will continue to support them through Heart for the Mission giving this year. Another portion goes to our local social justice initiatives.