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NSW Faith leaders sign Interfaith Domestic Family Violence Declaration

Nov 24 2022

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar.

More than 70 prominent religious leaders representing all major faiths signed a declaration on Tuesday 22nd November, 2022, with the NSW Government to help end domestic violence. The formation of the DFV Declaration is a commitment to working through communities to reduce domestic and family violence.

The NSW Government has been working with Faith communities to align shared values in keeping our communities safe. Recognising the important role Faith leaders have in this sphere, the DFV Declaration was developed in consultation with Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, and Buddhist communities. The Declaration condemns all forms of domestic and family violence and highlights Faith leaders’ unique position to communicate the harm, unlawfulness and prevalence of such violence and the basic human right to live free from it. It provides guidelines and resources on how religious leaders should address, respond to, and speak out against acts of domestic violence and better support victims.

“This declaration by senior faith leaders has helped create a united sense of purpose, ownership and commitment to reduce the prevalence of domestic and family violence,” said Minister for Women’s Safety and the Prevention of Domestic and Sexual Violence, Natalie Ward. “Everyone can make a difference and be a part of the change in ensuring domestic and family violence is neither excused nor ignored in our community.”

Hillsong’s Donna Crouch and Margaret Aghajanian were among the leaders in attendance at the forum held in the Strangers Room, Parliament House in Sydney. After an address from Minister Ward and The Honorable Mark Coure MP, Faith leaders shared practical examples of response to domestic violence in their communities. Following this was the official signing of the NSW Interfaith Domestic and Family Violence Declaration by each leader. The event also included a NSW Government panel, a Faith leader’s round table discussion and Network luncheon to close.

Hillsong Church is committed to keeping the community safe. If this information is distressing for you or if you need support in regard to sexual assault, domestic or family violence, there is support available:

For 24/7 phone and online services call 1800 respect on 1800 737 732
If you, a child, or another person is in immediate danger, call 000
Hillsong Church Pastoral Care is available for support, call 1300 535 353