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Mission Sunday 2024: Together

Feb 21 2024

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar.

In a world marked by uncertainty and change, Hillsong Church continues to chart a course forward with clarity and conviction. Building upon the legacy and vision established in previous years, last Sunday, Global Senior Pastors Phil and Lucinda Dooley delved deeper into a renewed commitment to mission, emphasising the collective effort to fulfill God’s calling together.

Reflecting on the journey that brought them to this point, Pastor Phil reminded the church of the importance of passionately carrying the mission and recognising “we need each other” in the service of God’s deep call.

The transition from Vision Sunday to Mission Sunday represents more than just a change in title; it represents a shift in focus towards proactive engagement and personal devotion to Christ. “The focus of Mission Sunday is not just what we are doing but who we are becoming.”  Phil again outlined the strategic pillars that underpin this mission-driven approach: building healthy church communities, developing purpose-filled Jesus followers, and creating significant and sustainable social impact.

Drawing from Luke 5, And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins, Phil drew the comparison of new wine needing new wineskins, asking “Will we handle the new thing God desires to do?”

Central to this renewed vision is the call to embody the mission of Jesus Christ in every aspect of life. From local initiatives to global outreach efforts, Hillsong desires to be a beacon of hope and transformation in a world hungry for authenticity and compassion.

Pastor Phil issued a stirring call to the youth, encouraging them to lead the charge in pursuing God’s presence. “If we are going to go forward, we are going to go forward with God’s presence”, he declared, drawing inspiration from Moses‘ prayer in Exodus 33.

Pastor Phil expressed his desire for Hillsong Church to worship collectively on the day, introducing a new song titled ‚Great Awakening‘ to unite the congregation across all global locations in a harmonious chorus of praise, aimed at stirring hearts towards God for a fresh move of His Spirit. As the service neared its end, Lucinda led a heartfelt prayer for the overflow of the Holy Spirit within the congregation.

In many ways, Hillsong Mission Sunday 2024 served as a reaffirmation of its core values and beliefs. It was a testament to the unwavering commitment of its leadership and the passion of its people to make a difference in the world.

Looking ahead, the journey promises to be both challenging and rewarding. As Mission Sunday resonates across the church, the clarion call is sounded to respond to Christ’s invitation into His grand and eternal symphony; dependent upon His presence, and propelled by a passionate mission for His kingdom come.

We’re building the Kingdom of Heaven together, each playing our own part… it is only together and through Christ that we can bring forth the symphony He composed for us, the great concerto of salvation… Christ, the Divine conductor, the grand composer, that wrote the universe into existence, is inviting us into the depths of His symphony.