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Hillsong Church Australia - End of Year Mission Impact Update 2024

Nov 20 2024

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain.

Dear Church,

It’s with great excitement that we welcome you to the second Mission Impact update for the year. More than a report, it’s a testimony of God’s goodness across Hillsong Church in Australia. We hope these pages stir your faith and increase your levels of gratitude for what we get to be a part of.

May God continue to bless and refresh our church, guiding each of us in the part we have to play and strengthening our collective resolve, as we build His House and serve Him together.

Bring on 2025! We have faith for it!

Love and blessings,
Phil and Lucinda
Global Senior Pastors

Click here to read the 2024 End of Year Mission Impact Update.

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