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Easter Bible Study | Day 9

Mar 26 2021

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He loved first

1.John 4:19 NIV

The foundation of our faith lays in Gods love towards us: ‘We love because he first loved us. ‘

I am sure you have heard this verse before: ’We love because he first loved us. ‘ (1 John 4:19 NIV) and often the love we are having towards God is being emphasised on in this verse. How much we love God and should love our neighbours. But in fact this verse reflects the gospel.

We as christians try to love God with all our strength. We try to love Him more and more and often it feels like it is still not enough.

We have to become aware that our ability to love is based on God loving us first. Knowing that God loved us first makes it possible for us to love God. To love God means to understand how much He loves us.

Maybe you know the bible verse in Matthew 14:30. The disciples are crossing the sea in a boat as they are getting into a storm. They see someone walking on water and at first thought it was a ghost before they realize that it is Jesus. Peter gets out of the boat and starts walking, on water, towards Jesus. But then it says ‘But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” ‘ (Matthew 14:30 NIV)

At this moment when Peter looked away from Jesus, realised the storm and feared he began to sink. But his sinking had nothing to do with the storm. He would probably still have sinked with a clear blue sky. Peter sank because he took his focus away from Jesus.

And this is what happens to us so often: Like Peter we worry and take our focus off of God. And at this moment we loose what God has prepared for us. We see all the storms around us and loose focus.

Just like 1.John 4:19 says we have to put our focus on Gods love towards us. The moment we realise Gods love towards us will make us love God even more.

And it is not just about loving God but also our neighbours. If I have a problem to forgive others, then I have to spend more time with Jesus and remember that He has forgiven me.

If it is difficult for me to love others then I have forgotten how much God loves me. Because through our love towards one another others can see Gods love in us.

Action Step: Remember the situation where you have intentionally claimed the love of God for yourself!