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A confession is a statement of faith and conviction that unites people around common beliefs. A confession is also the true story behind a situation or person often held in question. In other words, confessions tell of ”what really happens” up close and personal.

Our aim is that these would not only be declarations of faith and conviction of who we aspire to be, but they would also be statements of the ”true story” behind who we actually are as individuals and as a Hillsong Creative team.

25 Confessions of a Creative Team:

1. We know that leadership is for service not status.

2. We are not moved by accolades or criticism. We simply carry on following Christ and becoming His disciples more each day.

3. We know that our mandate is to be worshippers – always, in everything, wherever we are.

4. We are family – we laugh and cry together, walk the mountains and valleys together.

5. We look for the best in others and push them to succeed beyond ourselves.

6. We are a generational team who step aside to let others through.

7. We choose unity above personal agenda. It is not about ”me” and ”my” but rather ”we” and ”ours”.

8. We understand that if the team wins, we all win. Functioning together in unity is more important than the personal success of one.

9. We are willing to help with any task big or small because we value every part that is played both seen and unseen.

10. We honour the platform we’ve been entrusted with by living Godly lives and by serving with uncomplicated, humble spirits.

11. We build church and the Kingdom not just our own area.

12. We recognize that as leaders, we must constantly improve.

13. We prepare because we value excellence and diligence of craft in every area.

14. We refuse to be offended by feedback. Instead, we choose to grow and change.

15. We honour our leaders always and support the mantle upon their lives.

16. We lead from a place of personal devotion, humble gratitude, and confident authority.

17. We are a team that lives and breathes faithfulness, with a heart full of gratitude.

18. We are bringers of people, ideas, skill, craft, and talent.

19. We love and value the word and our non-negotiable is personal devotion time.

20. We love Jesus above all else. We speak of Him often and we keep His name on our lips.

21. We know that none of us are good enough without Him it’s His presence that marks us and sets us apart.

22. We recognize that our creativity is a gift from the Creator, for His glory alone.

23. We are aware of the Holy Spirit and lean into what He is doing.

24. We trust God in everything we do.

25. We are a team that is caught in the act of believing God always.

Our prayer is that these will be useful to you, that they will inspire and challenge you no matter the role or part you play in our Creative team, to be authentic and genuine in your love and pursuit of Jesus Christ.

Much love,
Autumn Hardman