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The String Movement

The String Movement (social justice initiative of Hillsong Young and Free) was established in 2011 and is an inclusive, grassroots, student-led campaign platform. We encourage young people to use their voice, creativity and community to make a difference. So how can you get involved?

The String Movement is your story.


It is your platform to encourage your high school or your community to live Young and Free. We believe that every single young person deserves the right to live Young and Free – Free to enjoy their youth, free to get an education, free to dream and free to be themselves. Whether you’re a parent, school teacher or a student you can use ‘The String Movement’ as your vehicle to make a difference.

Tie a Piece of String

Tie a Piece of String

As a symbol of your personal decision to make a difference.
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Tie a piece of string around your wrist as a symbol of your commitment to share the message with your friends. We have taken part in hundreds of events worldwide and partnered with countless organisations including local sports teams to tie a piece of string around our wrist and stand for freedom in our communities.

Tell It To Your Friends

Tell It To Your Friends

Learn the facts and have a conversation with your friends.
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At The String Movement we will give you the facts so you can TELL IT to your friends! It is important that you're equipped with all the information that you need, to Tell It to your friends in a way that enables you to use your voice, creativity and community to make a difference.

Yell It In Your World

Yell It In Your World

Be a radical agent of change and peace maker in your world.
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We want to work with you at a grass roots level. This simply means we are passionate about empowering you to be an agent of change within your local communities! You have the most radical opportunity to make a difference to issues that you're passionate about, so we want to give you the tools to make it happen! For every campaign that you're passionate enough to do something about it in your high school or university we have a tool kit, video and information about how you can make a difference in your world.


Don’t forget to share your story with us of how you’re choosing to use The String Movement to make a difference in your world.