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Hillsong Conference 2020

Jul 22 2020 | 

As we look to the future and set our gaze on Twenty-Twenty, the vision remains as powerful and potent as ever. More than ever we need the “breath and fire of God”. More than ever we need wisdom to live by, and wisdom to lead with. More than ever we need a generation of men and women (both young and older) who have divine insight on how to effectively bring the Gospel of truth to a world and humanity who Jesus describes as “fields, white unto harvest”.

As a conference, we commit to present a creative and God-breathed leadership conference that will bless and inspire whatever realm of Kingdom-endeavour you (or your team) find yourself in. WORSHIP, MUSIC, TEACHING, CHURCH LEADERSHIP, EVANGELISM, THE ARTS, CREATIVITY, MEDIA, JUSTICE AND CARE, YOUTH AND CHILDREN will always be of paramount importance as we gather and innovate to see the Kingdom of Heaven go forward.

The best is (always) yet to come—these are the days of His gathering and outpouring.

Global Senior Pastors, Hillsong Church


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  • Under ”Search for an existing group” fyller du i ”Hillsong Sweden Delegates”. Sedan under ”Passcode to join this group” fyll i ”Sweden”. Klicka på ”Save”.
  • Nu kommer du till sidan där du fyller i antal biljetter du önskar boka osv, fyll i dina val. För att åka som volontär skriver du in access code “team2020”. Klicka sedan på den gröna knappen ”CONTINUE”.
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