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20th Anniversary Hillsong DACH

Sep 15 2024 | 10:30 PM | Hillsong Zürich HUB

Maaf, entri ini hanya tersedia di Inggris (A.s.) dan Jerman.


20 years and counting! We love that our church is a place where people are changed by Jesus. A place where they blossom, grow beyond themselves and become all that God has called them to be. A place where they realize that they are important. A place where you realize that you are important.

On this special Sunday in September, we come together to look back and look forward. Full of gratitude, we look back on the past 20 years in which God has so faithfully written His story with us. And full of expectation, we look forward to a new decade in which God will do so much more than we could ever ask or imagine. 🔥